Monday, 28 October 2013

Course Information Blog W/C 28/10/2013

Course Information Blog W/C 28/10/2013

Sadly the fine summer weather is now at an end, although temperatures are unusually high for this time of year. Rain fall recordings from 18/10/13 - 25/10/13 shows approx 81mm of rain fall during this period. Thankfully the new drainage installed last winter has proved to be extremely beneficial as the course has taken it very well.

Whats been happening lately -

Fairways - contractors arrived on 14/10/13 to carry out deep aeration to selected fairways. Deep verti-draining is essential prior to the onset of winter. Verti-draining aids water penetration into the root-zone and drainage below, relieves compaction and controls thatch levels. Contractors have completed verti-draining and will return this week to carry out the remainder of sand banding to the 14th fairway.

Following verti-draining our green staff will begin slit tinning fairways to a depth of approx 6", this will begin w/c 4/11/13 and continue on a monthly basis throughout the winter period.

Recent heavy rain has highlighted some areas of flooding especially to the lower area of the 9th fairway approx 120 yards from the green. Drainage has been installed here, however a rise in rock level in the burn to the R/H/S of the fairway beyond the out of bounds reduces the flow of water therefore reducing the rate of which water can be removed from the 9th fairway, we can only rely on the burn level to reduce so that the fairway can drain effectively.

Drainage - recently we have completed installing approx 90m of lateral drainage to the L/H/S of the 14th green. As you know this has been an extremely wet area for sometime. Factors include, limited drainage, high thatch content within the turf and tree roots. Green staff have monitored the effectiveness of the new drainage and thankfully this seems to be successful. Next step is to remove the heavily thatched areas of turf and replace with new. This work will be ongoing and part our winter program.

Greens - sand injection -

If you have played recently you will have noticed linear lines across the greens filled with sand, this is known as sand injection - meaning the turf is scarified to a depth of approx 25mm using 2mm thick blades which removes dead organic matter (thatch) and injecting dried kiln sand directly into the channels created by the blades. The organic matter is scrapped/blown from the surface, then finally cut/rolled using a pedestrian mower, green back in play! Fortunately milder temperatures recently have allowed these lines to recover far quicker than usual, therefore the earlier we can sand inject during autumn renovation then the better the heeling process will be. Sand injection plays a vital role in our greens renovation program to ensure our main greens stay playable as much as possible throughout the forthcoming winter period. For further information on this machine and its benefits visit, follow link to contracting services and Graden contour sand and seed injection.

14th Fairway Update -

Following one of our best summers for several years the condition of the turf has improved dramatically beyond expectations. We have now grass cover to approx 95% leaving only minor areas to be addressed this winter. Contractors arrived on 17/10/13 intending to hollowcore, lift cores and topdress the area recently drained prior to the ditch. Unfortunately heavy rain halted work and we decided not to proceed any further as a high percentage of cores were not getting lifted, only smeared into the turf. Contractors will return when dryer weather is forecasted. I have scheduled the remainder of the sand banding for this week (weather permitting). This will complete all sand banding work as per the contractor's quotation.

13th Tee Renovation -
Work is well underway now in the re-leveling of the 13th tee. This was chosen from a few throughout the course that require attention due to the subsidence over many years. In addition to leveling the surface we will be installing a rubber matting path to the left hand side of the tee, this is a continuation of the path leading from the 12th green. There is also scope to widen and lengthen the tee by a few meters giving us more teeing area which as you know because of its size and par takes a hammering during the playing season. Weather permitting we hope to be at the stage of relaying the original turf by the end of November, all going well. This is the first of many projects of our winter program of which details will follow later this week.

Fairway Protection -
As of the 1/11/13 and similar to previous years we will be introducing fairway protection to all fairways this winter. There is a slight change to the rule this year as we are introducing no play in any area of the fairway except 25 yards from the green. Certain holes are excluded from the 25 yard rule due to the design such as the 1st, 2nd and 5th. This area will be marked by a blue line across the fairway and measured 25 yards from the front of the green. This will donate the end of fairway protection and the beginning of play from the fairway to the green.
We do hope you will adhere to this measure of course protection so that come the start of competition season in 2014 our fairways will have the best possible start and be in the best condition for the time of year.

Thank you for your attention