Sunday, 11 November 2012

Course Information Update for 05.11.2012

Hi and welcome to this weeks blog.

Drainage was on the menu this week and no doubt for the foreseeable future to.
This week our staff were busy upgrading the main pipe and lateral drainage on the first fairway approx 100yds from the green.
This is one of a number of areas throughout the course where we have seen water lying for longer periods than usual contributed by the poor wet summer we had this year.
The existing 150mm main drainage pipe has now been renewed with all new and existing lateral pipe drainage being connected to the main drain.

During excavating, we noticed the extensive thatch and black layer build up within the soil profile as highlighted in the following picture;

A simplified explanation of thatch is basically the accumulation of dead plant material that has accumulated over a period of time.  Thatch restricts oxygen circulating within the root zone producing a black layer beneath the thatch layer which leads to poor turf health.  Thatch also effects percolation rates by decreasing water flow through the root zone, therefore surface flooding occurs.
With this being identified, we will now require to increase our aeration, hollow coring and topdressing activities to include this area, also in-conjunction with applying thatch degrading products on a regular basis throughout next years growing season we should see an improvement in surface drainage and turf health.

This week (12.11.2012) we will continue with our drainage installation and begin installing additional drainage to the l/h/s and rear of the 7th green linking this to the beginning of the 13th fairway.
I have estimated we will have this completed on or around 26.11.2012 should no rock removal be required.  Extremely doubtful for cathkin braes!!
For our green staffs safety the temporary green will be in play during this time (Monday-Friday) until work is completed.
We will also be looking into maintaining the existing clay tile main drain that flows from the ditch on the r/h/s 15th down towards the concrete sump located at the r/h/s 15th green., now that we have this outlet flowing.  Once we are satisfied with the flow in the clay tile drain we can begin to clear the ditch on the r/h/s of the 15th approx 240yds from the green hopefully with our own machinery, if not hired equipment will be necessary.

Thank you for your attention.
Douglas McIntosh