Thursday, 21 June 2018

June 2018 Greens Blog

Greens Blog:    June 2018

1.     2nd Hole:           Permanent signage will be displayed at the white tee on this hole to signify it as a “call on” hole.

2.     5th Tee (new):    We have received some feedback about the lack of play from this. It will be on wef 21/6/18 but Douglas explained the main reasons for play from the older tee:
·         Wind conditions can determine the new one isn’t suitable to be on.
·         The prolonged dry weather we had caused problems on it as there were no pop ups installed when it was built. This work will be included in the winter programme.

3.     6th Tee (white): This is back in play for medals & is looking good.

4.     Bunkers:
·         Despite e-mails & blogs on rake positioning, this is still causing problems with rakes being left half in & half out or along the back of the bunkers. We have considered other options on this, but the Greens Team/Committee believe the rake in the centre with the T towards the hole is the best & fairest way forward.
·         The Greens Team have been asked to ensure the rakes are placed in all bunkers as agreed when setting up the course in the morning.
·         We are continuing to monitor the bunkers & looking for ways to ensure consistency across the course.
·         Members are asked to support the Greens Team/Committee in ensuring bunkers are raked properly & the rakes returned to the centre.

5.     7th & 14th Greens: We have experienced some difficulty with these greens following the harsh winter & into hot/dry conditions. They had moss & fusarium problems which resulted in treatment. They hadn’t come back fully, so had to be small/thin core hollow tined as well as sanded this week. 

6.     Drain Lines 8th & 17th: These have yet to be seeded as we had been waiting on the right weather conditions. This will be done over the next couple of days.

7.     Irrigation: Douglas clarified the following points around our irrigation system as many members ask why he is manually watering:
·         Our system requires a significant upgrade & a wall mounted panel in the Greenkeeper office.
·         The pop ups do work but are operated manually, one green at a time & then one tee at a time.
·         If we operated it electronically the predominant East wind can throw the water to areas which do not require water & we end up using more water, resulting in unnecessary costs.
·         Douglas prefers to use a moisture tester & by manually operating the pop ups he has clear control over the application of water to the areas of the course which need it most.

8.     Machinery:       All the new aeriation, cutting etc kit has now arrived & is making a huge difference in the way the Greens Team can maintain the course.

9.     Team Pins:       Agreed to consider having 2 different sets of pins for the Ladies & Gents matches next season as those areas of the greens are getting pounded. It’s also unfair to the wider membership as the difficult pins are often on for prolonged spells.

We welcome your feedback on the course:

Jane Lees

Friday, 1 June 2018

May 2018 Greens Blog

May 2018 Greens Blog

1.     New aerating/blowing/cutting machinery has arrived on site & this will assist the Greens Team with the necessary hollow coring & seeding required on the white tee at the 6th.  We hope to have this back in play within 2 weeks.

2.     Drainage lines @ 8th & 11th holes will be seeded & cut shortly.

3.     Dry weather has meant certain greens/fairways have had to be irrigated by sprinklers & hand where necessary. This work is a priority for the Greens Team.

4.     Bunkers:          A few concerns have been received about the consistency of the bunkers but we ask members to be assured the Greens Team are continuing to monitor this issue by taking the following steps:
·         As advised previously, we will firm/tighten the face & finely/lightly rake the bunkers we have already identified as ones where the ball has the potential to stick in the face.
·         Additional sand has been ordered & levels with be checked in all bunkers.

Prolonged periods of dry weather is compounding this issue & depending on the angle of entry some balls have plugged in the sand as it has become dry/powdery. With 59 bunkers on the course & a small Greens Team, there is little we can do to counteract this. Members are reminded to rake bunkers thoroughly & place the rake fully inside them with the T facing the hole. Please do not leave it half in & half out or outside the bunker.

5.     Practice Area: Members are also asked to note that under no circumstances should balls be hit from the back of this area towards the front.

6.     2nd Hole:           With immediate effect this will be a “call on” hole. When you reach the green, mark your ball & stand aside waving those behind on. This is in the interests of safety as well as speed. A clear & early shout of fore should be given for any balls hit in the direction of the 4th green/fairway.

7.     Accident/Incident/Near Misses:            Members are asked to record any such issues in the book behind the bar.

8.     Greens:            Our greens are the envy of many clubs around & we ask for your continued support by repairing all pitch marks, particularly on your alpha-split allocated holes – see below:

A                      -           Hole 1.
B                      -           Hole 2.
C                      -           Hole 3.
D                      -           Hole 4.
E/F                   -           Hole 5.
G                      -           Hole 6.
H                      -           Hole 7.
I/J/K                 -           Hole 8.
L                      -           Hole 9.
Mc                    -           Holes 10/11.
M                     -           Holes 12/13.
N/O/P/Q            -           Hole 14.
R                      -           Hole 15.
S                      -           Hole 16.
T/U/V                -           Hole 17.
W/X/Y/Z            -           Hole 18.

            Feedback to Greens Team:

Monday, 14 May 2018

The Greens Team have received some negative feedback on how balls have plugged close to the faces in some bunkers. Members should be assured the Team are working hard to eliminate this. All new bunkers have been carefully shaped to ensure balls will collect in the centre. There are certain conditions which can change this:
- periods of dry weather which sees the sand become more powdery & prone to plugging.
- inconsistent raking by members.
We have 59 bunkers, many of which we have had no reported issues. However to be sure we are doing all we can to minimise this problem, the Greens Team have committed to identifying the bunkers which may have the potential to cause concern. These bunkers will be treated differently by our Greens Staff:
1. They should be smoothed & firmed around the bunker edges.
2. The middle sand will be lightly & finely raked.
They should look something like: 
Any questions should be addressed directly to

Thursday, 19 April 2018

April 2018 Blog

April 2018 Greens Blog

1.     Eco Bunkers:
·         These have all been turfed & weather permitting they should be in play within 3 – 4 weeks.
·         Douglas reassures me the back of the one at the 5th will not be too high. The base is being carefully shaped to ensure any balls entering it will roll into the middle & not get caught under the back lip.

2.     1st Green:
·         Following the installation of the new drain in this green, it’s looking great & back in play.

3.     14th Red Tee:
·         The new tee was rolled/cut this week & weather permitting should be in play within 2 weeks.

4.     LHS of 17th:
·         Douglas will be assessing this area as it’s extremely wet. If necessary it will be roped off & marked GUR.

5.     Drainage:
·         There are several unusual areas of the course which are holding extraordinary levels of water. In the interests of being proactive & minimising course closures during next winter, Douglas is developing a plan (for committee approval) as to how we might manage these areas during the playing season.

6.     Preferred Lies:
·         Preferred lies will remain in place until further notice.

7.     Pitch Marks:
·         There are a ridiculous amount of pitch marks on the greens. Therefore we are re-issuing the surname alpha split asking all members to repair pitch marks on at least their allocated greens. See below:

A                      -           Hole 1.
B                      -           Hole 2.
C                      -           Hole 3.
D                      -           Hole 4.
E/F                   -           Hole 5.
G                      -           Hole 6.
H                      -           Hole 7.
I/J/K                 -           Hole 8.
L                      -           Hole 9.
Mc                    -           Holes 10/11.
M                     -           Holes 12/13.
N/O/P/Q            -           Hole 14.
R                      -           Hole 15.
S                      -           Hole 16.
T/U/V                -           Hole 17.
W/X/Y/Z            -           Hole 18.

Friday, 23 March 2018

March 2018 Greens Blog

March 2018 Greens Blog

1.     Winter Programme:
·         The Winter Programme is in the main completed, with only the following works outstanding:
ü  Re-turf on the area which was thatched at the LHS of 10th fairway – turf arriving w/c 26th March.
ü  The company we usually use for scarifying have gone under & although we have sanded the fairways given concern, we may need to look at doing this ourselves going forward (hiring/buying the necessary machinery).

2.     Eco Bunkers:
·         Constructed at the 5th, 7th & 16th. Sand has now been installed & turfing will start done w/c 26th March.

3.     1st Drain:
·         Green has benefited hugely from no play throughout the winter & the returfing has settled well.

4.     14th Red Tee:
·         Fully flattened & turfed. Although there is some rooting already it will not be in play for the early part of the season.

5.     Exit Route 16th to 17th:
·         Tried to re-route around the back of the 16th to the 17th tee (red) but agreed to revert to original plan to place double rubber matting at the LHS of 16th until it dries up.

6.     Drainage:
·         The Greens Staff have undertaken some investigations on the course where water has been “bubbling” and puddling, i.e. LHS of 17th, between 11th/12th & 10th. All these have been rectified but it has highlighted the drains between the 8th – 12th holes will require further significant work over the next 5 years.
·         Investigations will also be done in relation to the “bubble” on the 8th & where possible remedial action will be undertaken.

7.     Machinery:
·         We will shortly have our new machinery with us:
ü  Aeriation within 2 – 3 weeks.
ü  Cutting by early April.

8.     Fairway Protection:
·         The blue stakes will be removed on Friday 30th March, but preferred lies will remain in place until further notice.

Contact the Greens Team:
Members wishing to discuss any course related issues are encouraged to do so via the

Thursday, 22 February 2018

February 2018 Blog Update

February 2018 Blog Update

 1.     Eco Bunkers:
·         As previously advised work started w/c 12th February to replace the bunkers at the 5th & 16th greens. We had enough material left over to do a further bunker, so the bunker at the right-hand side of the 7th green has also been replaced.
·         The artificial revetted faces are already in place & the identified bunkers have been slightly re-shaped to suit the holes, e.g. 5th is now smaller & more of a pot bunker.
·         Greens Team will soil/turf around the new bunkers over the next week & weather permitting they should be well in play for the season starting.
·         Natural turf revetted bunker faces need a lot of maintenance & full refurbishment every 5 years. The faces of the new bunkers will be crisp & clean for 20 years plus, with minimal maintenance.
·         Overall excellent value for money for 3 bunkers & our staff have been trained to install as well as maintain them.
 2.     Tee Markers:
·         New tee markers/distances for the 5th & 14th should be with us in the next 2 weeks.

        3.     Thatch Areas:
·         Wet area along left-hand side of 10th has now been re-turfed & the area at 13th will also be completed this week.
·         There is a need for some further thinning out of trees at the 10th & also the 16th too as this has the same problem.

       4.   1st Tee (Red):
·         The walkway immediately in front of this tee is extremely wet & we’ve agreed to move all play to the tee at the right-hand side for the next week or so & rope of the path to right of the red tee.

       5.     Exit Route 16th to 17th:
·         Like the area at the front of the 1st tee, this is also extremely wet making access to the 17th tee (red) difficult. Double rubber matting to be placed at this area until it dries up.

       6.     Greens/Course Status:
·         Due the lengthy spell of inclement weather as well as to reassure members we are doing all we can to have the course open, with as many greens on as possible, we have formalised this process for weekend play:
ü  Up until 10.00am the onsite Greens Staff, in conjunction with the Professional Shop will assess the course to determine the closure/greens status.
ü  Where possible, the course status will be posted on the club website ahead of the first booked tee time.
ü  After 10.00am & only where there has been a significant change in conditions, the Professional and if appropriate any Greens Committee member who is present at the club (or on the course) may review the course/greens status.

NB: Only the Greens Team, Professional & Greens Committee Members can make decisions on the course status.

Contact the Greens Team:
Members wishing to discuss any course related issues are encouraged to do so via the

Monday, 12 February 2018

February 2018 Blog

1.    Winter Programme/Works:
Despite extremely trying weather conditions, works on the agreed programme has continued where possible. In addition to previously reported works, members will have noted the following:

·         Thinning out of trees between several of our fairways, e.g. 6th/7th & 14th/17th. This allows necessary aeriation & light it some of our wettest fairways/tees.
·         Fine hollow tining & top dressing of greens.
·         Soft/wet thatched turf has been removed from LHS of 10th & 13th fairways awaiting the application of the new root zone & returfing.
·         Works on the 18th exit pathway has been completed.
·         Topping up bunker sand & tidying bunker faces continues.
·         In the few weeks we will see the installation of the two new Eco Bunkers. Replacing the one at back of the 5th (from the new tee), allowing us to also re-shape it accordingly. The 2nd one will replace the bunker at the 16th. These bunkers have huge advantages, not least a 20-year guarantee & require very little maintenance.
·         During closures, staff are working hard on general maintenance of the course furniture, tee markers/plates as well as updating necessary H & S records. This week has also seen the Greens Staff assist with the locker room clearance.
2.    Course Closures/Conditions:
·         Disappointingly we are experiencing a lengthy period of inclement weather which has seen many course closures over the last 2 months & is extremely trying for all concerned. This is obviously outwith our control, but we want to reassure all members we endeavour to have the course open with full greens in play where at all possible & without the potential for a detrimental effect to the ongoing quality of our course or where there may be a safety risk.
·         We rely on the expertise & experience of our Greens Staff (in conjunction with our Professional) to make decisions on the course status throughout the day Monday to Friday & up until 10.00am at the weekends.  After 10.00am at the weekend & where there has been a significant change in conditions, the Professional and if appropriate any Greens Committee member who is present at the club may review the course/greens status.

3.         Contact the Greens Team:

·         Members wishing to discuss any course related issues are encouraged to do so via the