Monday, 15 July 2013

Course information blog w/c 16/07/13

14th Fairway update
Our planned drainage work is now well underway and progressing extremely well, this has helped by the flourishing weather we are experiencing just. Thankfully the good weather has allowed the contractors to install the quoted amount of drainage without causing too much damage and disruption to the 14th and 16th fairways, however some rock excavation was required on the 14th fairway delaying progress slightly, hence the decision to reschedule last Saturdays competition to the 20/07/13. This allowed contractors to work over the weekend therefore bringing them back on schedule and hopefully they will be off site on or around the 19/07/13 as planned.

Approx 800m of lateral drainage have been installed to the 14th fairway (before ditch) and 350m to the area of the left and right of the green. Contractors are currently working on the 16th installing 120m of 150mm twin wall pipe and 350m of 100mm lateral drainage pipe, scheduled to be completed  by today 16/07/13 following this sand banding at 7inch centres by 7inch deep. This will begin tomorrow 17/07/13. Sand banding is an effective way to link up lateral drainage and so far this has proved to be successfull as seen recently to the start of the 14th fairway beyond the course road.

As we approach the final stage of the programme work, hollowcoring and sand banding. This is part of the thatch removal process that is required to ensure the new drainage functions effectively. As per the quotation our greens staff are required to apply soil/seed to all of the drainage channels as part of the final reinstatement work. This will be carried out over the next few weeks. These channels will be treated as G.U.R. Until the seed has fully germinated and complete grass coverage is achieved.

Can I take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation during this period. Your assistance has allowed the contractors to work efficiently, safely and most importantly on schedule. This work is invaluable so that our course stays open and considerably dryer throughout the forthcoming winter

14th Fairway bunker
It has been agreed by committee to fill in the first fairway bunker on the l/h/s of the 14th hole due to the poor construction, deteriorating condition and more importantly with the advance in new technology penalises the wrong category of handicap golfer. We will utilise the materials excavated by the drainage contractor so that no cost will be occurred by the club for infill material. A new bunker will be created at a later date approx 50yds further down the fairway/rough on a similar line.

Thank you

Monday, 1 July 2013

Course Information Blog W/C 1/7/2012

14th fairway progress

At last summer temperatures are here.  This has boosted grass growth especially at this part of the fairway (14a) on plan. In conjunction with hollowcoring and reseeding work, applications of granular calcium/lime have proved to be beneficial and successful as we now can see encouraging signs of improvement in grass coverage, especially to the poorest areas. This work will continue throughout the summer and into early autumn to ensure we have as much grass coverage as possible going into the winter period.
Next months application of calcium/lime will take it into the 1 ton of product applied  since April this year. Soil samples will be taken this week and sent for analysis so that we can monitor how effective these applications have been in adjusting the soil PH. Incorrect soil PH is one of the contributing factors of poor plant health and thatch accumulation.
At this point i would like to remind you all that contractors (Souters sports turf) are arriving on Monday 1/7/13 to begin installing drainage to the 14th, 15th, and 16th fairways. Their work will consist of installing approx no 1100m of drainage running diagonally across the 14th fairway and around the green and 15th tee area (14th B & C on drainage plan ) .
On completion of the 14th drainage work contractors will start on the 16th fairway installing approx 150mm twin wall pipe replacing the exciting outdated pipe, with a further 500m lateral drainage concentrating on the l/h/s of the fairway and rough. This will link up to the work that our green staff carried out during the winter period.
In order that the contractors can carry out their work safely and effectively from Monday to Friday a shorter hole will be in operation this means that a temporary green will be installed approx 230 yards from the main tee. Contractors Are instructed not to work at the weekends so that sat/sun competitions can be played. Playing surfaces will be affected during this period of work therefor can I ask for your patients and cooperation during and after their work is complete . Hopefully the good weather will continue so that contractors can produce work to their high standard that they/we expect, again your patients and understanding are essential.
Timescale for completion of drainage works is difficult to predict due to the weather and the quantity of rock removal that is required, never the less we are hoping contractors will be off site in approx 2 to 3 weeks if all goes well.
On completion of all drainage works and as part of our thatch removal plan we have instructed the contractors to return at a later date to hollowcore and top dress the 14th and 16th fairways. This will reduce some of the compaction created by their drainage equipment and also remove a percentage of the thatch which is contributing to surface flooding that we currently see on these fairways, i will post regular updates on Souters progress via this blog.
