Course Information Blog W/C 22.04.2013
14th Fairway Progress
According to MET Office information this has been the coldest spring in approx 60 years, no wonder soil temperatures have plummeted to approx 0°C to 1°C. This has delayed my applications of soil/ph conditioners and fertiliser's as we need to be around 5°C+ for these products to work, however this week temperatures are now on the increase, thankfully, and as you read we are currently applying these products. Since October of last year we decided to remove play from all areas of this fairway in order that the renovation and drainage work that was carried out over autumn/winter period has the best chance of recovery. This has been extremely beneficial as we have seen an improvement in turf health and surface drainage especially to the beginning of the fairway which has been recently drained, however additional work is required in the way of hollow tining, top dressing and over seeding to various parts of the fairway which have not yet fully recovered due to the cold temperatures of late. It is my intention, weather permitting, to begin this work in conjunction with Souter Sports Turf Ltd who will be starting sand banding and drainage work shortly. This type of work is essential to continue to improve this fairway, therefore, every attempt will be made not to interfere with play, however your co-operation is required if interference occurs.
We have instructed Souter Sports Turf Ltd to arrive on the 29/04/2013 to begin installing 120mx150mm twin wall piped drainage starting from the wooden sleeper ditch and working back towards the 6th medal tee, a distance of 120m on the l/h/s of the rough, 10m out from the tree line.
Due to the extremely busy competition schedule for May and June it has been decided that we install this main drain just now with limited interference to members. Contractors will leave the site once the main drain has been completed, approx 1 week (weather permitting) and will return on 01/07/2013 to carry out the remainder of the proposed drainage work to the 14th and 16th fairways. Once this is completed sand banding at 250mm centres approx 7 inches deep will be carried out. This will link up the 5m area in between each lateral. Following on from this a long term thatch removal plan which includes hollow coring, scarifying, verti draining and sand top dressing will be required to ensure drainage works to its full capacity.
Drainage Lines
Over the last few weeks our staff have concentrated on turfing drainage lines that are in play i.e landing areas. Turfing compared to seeding will return these areas for play far quicker and with the colder temperatures recently seeding was not an option. Drainage lines out with landing areas will be soil and seeded now that temperatures have increased.
8th Drain
As you may be aware a small area in front of the tee has been showing signs of flooding and turf deterioration recently. Further investigations have revealed old clay tile drainage as ineffective also we identified a large rubble spring adjacent to the clay tile of which is constantly flowing therefore causing moisture to come to the surface. Staff have addressed all areas of flooding with new piped drainage and aggregate. This area has been intentionally left open so that we can monitor how effective our repair has been. Once satisfied, root zone and turf will be installed.
Fairway Protection - Blue Posts
We are now fast approaching the month of May although recent temperatures you would imagine we were still in February/ March. Little signs of growth are now appearing therefore, fairway protection will now stop as of 26/04/2013 and blue posts will be removed, however preferred lies will still operate until further notice. Please look for an update on preferred lies and any other course information on the new signage located at the gents first tee.
For Information Only
Throughout April, using a digital thermometer i have recorded soil temperatures in our greens. Soil temperatures of 5°C+ are required to stimulate plant growth and begin the process of fertiliser uptake into the plant. Knowing accurate soil temperatures allows us to apply the right products at the right time ensuring the maximum benefit of the product is being utilised therefore saving time and money.
Greens temperatures as follows;
Date Coldest Green Warmest Green
03/04/13 8th - 0°C 9th - 0.6°C
09/04/13 5th - 1.1°C 12th - 1.9°C
15/04/13 10th - 7.1°C 14th - 8.1°C
23/04/13 2nd - 6.2°C 13th - 6.9°C
Thank you for your attention,